Through-out the year, Iron Tribe Network engages with community in various activities and events, plus in-reach and out-reach events.
- Tuesday nights staff attend in-reach events for women and young adults.
- Thursday nights from midsummer through September, Hands-Across-the-Bridge (HATB) there are planning meetings.
- Thursday nights there are also Council Meetings that take place.
- Friday nights, the Iron Tribe Network – Alpha Chapter – Community of Belonging gatherings happen at a site Clackamas
- Each month there is at least one Men’s Sweat Lodge ceremony event at a special site
- Each month there is at least one Co-ed Men and Women’s Sweat Lodge ceremony event at a special site.
- Each month there is an ITN Board Meeting.
- In March and/or April, ITN holds an Easter Egg Hunt.
- In May, there was an ITN Taco Feed Fun Event and Strategic Planning session with staff and volunteers.
- In July, there was an ITN booth at the Mulino Blueberry Pancake Breakfast event and another special in-reach event.
- In August, there was a special Car & Bike Show in-reach event for Eastern Oregon Correctional Institution (Pendleton, OR), plus a shared community Recovery event at Beverly Beach. Shawn and others attended an Asset Management and Affordable Housing Financing program led by a national expert.
- In September, there was an ITN booth at the 10th Annual Hands Across the Bridge event, an End-of-Summer Labor Day Weekend Family Campout & BBQ event at the Cedars, and events such as Morningstar’s 10th Annual Recovery Rockfest and a Pendleton in-reach event. Also, a special ad is going out in local neighborhood magazines.
- In October, there was a new drum donated to Iron Tribe Network with drumming brought back 5-6pm before community gatherings, and on the last Friday there was a Pumpkin Carving Contest. The Corn Maize event scheduled was cancelled due to historic typhoon winds and weather.
- In November, the Resolute (Clean & Free) Motorcycle Club hosted its 3rd annual toy drive, dance and spaghetti dinner featuring Shawn Bower as the guest speaker. A family-fun bowling event served to raise funds for Iron Tribe Youth, too. Thanksgiving feast was prepared at The Cedars, all were welcomed. Shawn and Reina served a holiday meal to families at a local shelter.
- In December, a holiday party for staff and volunteers is planned. Stay tuned.
At the Mulino Blueberry Pancake Breakfast we had 12 Iron Tribe Network members, 3 Supporters, 6 Youth. Over 500 people attended the event. We shared information and visited with many people who stopped by our tent. We handed out free stickers, frisbees and zipper pulls (buttons with clips to attach to jackets). We also discussed our programs and handed out a lot of brochures. Ken Humberston, a former parole officer, announced he is running for Clackamas County Commissioner #4 and he has been very supportive of the work we do at Iron Tribe Network, reaching out and connecting with people in their re-entry journey before they return to the community from Jail, Prison or Treatment. It was a great weekend. – Shawn Bower
In early August 2016 there was also a gathering at the Cedars Retreat on the Clackamas River.
In mid August 2016, many from Iron Tribe Network attended a DDA event at Beverly Beach on Oregon’s Pacific Coastline.
In mid August 2016, Shawn Bower and others connected with the national NA conference in Arizona.
On August 29th, 2016, members of Iron Tribe Network traveled to Pendleton, Oregon and participated in a special Car & Bike Show in-reach event at the Eastern Oregon Correctional Institution.
It was one of the most humbling experiences I’ve ever had, to walk a yard that I use to walk. To hear some of their stories and be blessed to give my story and give someone hope of a better way of life. It was a very moving experience I can never explain the gratitude that I have for my life today. I’m super thankful to have been a part of it… -Cliff R.
At 58 years I believe I have seen and done many life changing things. As the first wave of inmates wandered into the yard, I was truly blown away at the numbers I heard. 9, 12, 18, 25, Life. These were years served and years to go for release As I listened, I became emotional a few times at the optimism these men have looking towards the future. They shook our hand and said God Bless. Our day spent with you guys was truly life changing for the both of us. Thank you for the invitation. -Dennis B.
This is my second year being apart this type of reach in, and my first year helping coordinate people to attend. My passion comes from being a formerly incarcerated person, that today lives a life of recovery from drugs, alcohol, crime, and incarceration. I was able to spend my 7 year to the day anniversary of being released from prison, back in prison on my own free will. Getting to ride my motorcycle into a facility that I also have been at, and was released from 18 years ago for a car and bike show. At this car and bike show I was able to have friends from multiple recovery organizations attend with me, but with a personal blessing of having my wife, my mom, my dad and Iron Tribe Network members come and show support for that passion. To show the guys that they can get out and make a new life for themselves and that they can Recover as a human being from pressures and barriers. -Shawn B.
Very grateful to have been given the opportunity to go into EOCI. Bringing freedom to the inside for a day was the most humbling event I have ever experienced. The Adults in custody were grateful as well and happy to take some pictures to send home to their loved ones. The stories that were shared on the yard were priceless. Thank you to the staff for the warm welcome and Thank You to the adults in custody for voting my Jeep first place; and making the beautiful plaque I received. I hope to be a part of this event for years to come! Special Thank you to Iron Tribe Network for coordinating and making this event possible. -Reina B.
Going to EOCI for the car and bike show was a great way to bring the message of recovery to the Adults in custody. They were very receptive to our stories of success in recovery. I feel honored to have been apart of something this gratifying. I want to thank the facility and the Adults in custody for their hospitality and the great lunch. I was very proud to have taken 3rd place best Bike in the show. I hope to be a part of this next year. -Bobby W.
In late August 2016, Shawn Bower and others attended a Community Housing Asset Management and Affordable Housing Financing class led by a national expert.
In September 2016, Myron hosted an amazing End-of-Summer Labor Day Weekend Family Campout and BBQ event with a pancake breakfast, evening BBQ potluck, a Talking Circle campfire, and s’mores for the kids beneath a pink sunset over the forest treeline at the Cedars Retreat center on the Clackamas River.
Also, at the 10th Annual Hands-Across-the-Bridge recovery celebration, testimony, and community outreach event, ITN hosted a booth and many ITN members participated, including volunteer youth and adults!
In late September 2016, an in-reach trip was made to Pendleton, Oregon.
Folks also attended the 10th Annual Recovery Rockfest for Morningstar Recovery Services & Mike Morgester’s Fundraiser.
In late September, there was a celebration picnic with giveaways for Iron Tribe Network’s volunteers and staff.
In November, there was a Thanksgiving feast at The Cedars, as well as a Toy Drive, a Bowling Fundraiser for the Youth and more.
In April 2019 there was another annual Easter Egg hunt with over 2,400 eggs!
More to come… Stay tuned and check out our CALENDAR.